You are here: Inventory > Stock Adjustments > Warehouse Transfers > System Configuration

System configuration

Settings that impact the Warehouse Transfer module are under the tab Warehouse Transfer




AddCostLabel1 Added Cost 1 This description appears on both the warehouse transfers Outwards and Inwards form.  Edit as required – e.g. Freight
AddCostLabel2 Added Cost 2 This description appears on both the warehouse transfers Outwards and Inwards form.  Edit as required – e.g. Insurance
AddCostLabel3 Added Cost 3 This description appears on both the warehouse transfers Outwards and Inwards form.  Edit as required – e.g. Storage
EnablePicking Yes Enabling picking adds another action to the commitment of the Warehouse Transfer Outwards form
AddedCostAccount1 AddedCostAccount2 AddedCostAccount3   Select from the General Ledger search window.  Where additional costs are entered, the journal entry when goods are transferred in is:

Debit      Stock Value Receiving Warehouse (@ Cost + O/heads)

Credit     Expense account (Overheads)

Credit     Stock Value Transferring Warehouse (@ Cost)

This is in effect, a cost recovery exercise

UseInTransitWarehouse No Creating a new transfer outwards defaults the In Transit warehouse to unticked.  The box can still be ticked to allow selection of an In Transit warehouse
TakeStockOnSave No Only applies when an In Transit warehouse is used in the transfer outwards form.  When ticked, saving a transfer outwards form immediately transfers the stock and avoids any issues with stock being sold etc. before the form is committed
EnableBackOrders No When ticked, back order records are created when the form is committed for the difference between Quantity Ordered and Quantity Transferred.  Process Back Orders will create a new transfer outwards form when stock becomes available

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